The winter months are when organic producers are busy pouring over seed catalogs, considering planting schedules and reviewing land or sales contracts. While not at the very top of the list of things to do, scheduling annual organic and food safety inspections also deserves attention. CCOF would like to help!
Overlapping regulations and requirements for modern farms have many producers experiencing “audit fatigue”. Since the inception of our food safety program, organic growers have been asking for a combined organic and food safety inspection to cut down the time spent reviewing documents and driving the fields.
CCOF is governed by a board of organic producers, and we’ve heard you loud and clear. We began cross-training organic and food safety inspectors back in 2015 and have been successfully combining organic and food safety inspections ever since, saving organic producers’ valuable time and money. Our cross-trained inspectors have years of organic farm and food safety experience and are dedicated to efficiently verifying your compliance.
CCOF offers food safety services via the GlobalG.A.P. standards, which are GFSI-benchmarked food safety standards that can help producers comply with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). We can also certify the non-organic aspects of your farm for food safety. For the 2019 season, CCOF will be offering the GlobalG.A.P. FSMA add-on to the Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standard, along with piloting a program for the GlobalG.A.P. Produce Handling Assurance (PHA) standard, which is a standalone packing-house Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) audit.
Learn more about CCOF’s food safety services or contact me with questions or for a quote.