CCOF Certification Services was honored by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Services (AMS) National Organic Program (NOP) with two awards at the Accredited Certifiers Association training in San Antonio, Texas this week.
CCOF received the Investing in INTEGRITY award, which recognizes CCOF for its contributions to the Organic INTEGRITY Database and recognizes CCOF’s commitment to providing accurate, timely, and comprehensive data reporting to the INTEGRITY database. CCOF has won this award numerous years in a row.
First launched in 2015, INTEGRITY is a database administered by NOP that makes information about certified organic operations available to the public. It includes information such as the size and location of organic operations. INTEGRITY ensures efficient information sharing among USDA-accredited organic certification agencies, NOP, and other relevant state and federal agencies. In turn, INTEGRITY deters fraud, increases transparency throughout the supply chain, and helps increase the market visibility of organic operations.
CCOF was also honored as one of only four certifiers to receive the new “Director’s Award for Excellent Enforcement.” As an original in the organic movement, CCOF has been a critical player in the development of certification processes and organic standards. The CCOF name and seal has been trusted as the mark of organic integrity by consumers and buyers worldwide since 1973. We are honored to receive these two awards.