I am a double major with Organic and Sustainable Agriculture and Basic Medical Science at Washington State University. I have been farming regularly for seven years and helped on my family’s ranch even beforehand. I come from thirteen generations of American farmers, and I am proud to continue the legacy of producing food for the nation. I am currently working towards a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Food Systems and I hope to attend medical school after I complete my undergraduate studies. My goal is to further the vertical integration of food production and healthcare to show how important food production and nutrition is in preventative medicine. Beyond school and agriculture, I am a volunteer firefighter and emergency medical technician for my rural home community, and I am employed at our local hospital as an emergency room technician. I love gaining experience outside my career goals, and the diversity in my spare time keeps life interesting!
Congratulations Kathryn!
Please join us in congratulating the recipients of the CCOF Foundation’s Future Organic Farmer Grants.