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Fall National Organic Standards Board Comment Period Open Through September 30

by Jane Sooby |

The National Organic Program has released the agenda for the fall National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) Meeting, which will be held October 22–24, 2024, in Portland, Oregon.

 The deadline to register for oral comment and to submit written comment is 11:59 p.m. Eastern on September 30, 2024. More information on registering and submitting comments is below. Visit the USDA website for information on attending the meeting in person.

The NOSB is a federal advisory board that makes recommendations on organic standards and materials to the USDA Secretary. During the fall meeting, materials on the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances that are slated for sunset review are discussed, public comments are considered, and votes are taken on whether to retain the materials on the National List. All materials on the National List are reviewed for continued listing every five years on a staggered basis.

For a quick summary of materials and issues that will be considered at this meeting, consult the meeting agenda. Thirteen livestock materials are under consideration for sunset, including parasiticides and DL-methionine. For crops, ferric phosphate, pheromones, and horticultural oils are just a few of the 10 materials up for review. In the handling realm, 30 materials are up for sunset review including celery powder, nutrient vitamins and minerals, and yeast. Detailed background on all sunset materials may be found in the Proposals and Discussion Documents.


There are a finite number of public comment slots both online and in person, so register as soon as you can if you wish to provide oral comment. Public comment will be accepted via online webinars that will be held Tuesday, October 15 and Thursday, October 17, from noon until 5:00 p.m. Eastern. Register now to comment during the online webinar. Public comment will also be heard in person at the meeting in Portland on Tuesday, October 22. Register online for an in-person comment.

Written comments will also be accepted. Submit written comments by clicking on the “comment” button.

Note that the deadline to register for oral comment and to submit written comment is 11:59 p.m. Eastern on September 30, 2024.


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