CCOF member Blake Alexandre of Alexandre Family Farm has been re-appointed to the California Organic Products Advisory Committee (COPAC). COPAC advises the California Secretary of Food and Agriculture on education, outreach, and technical assistance for organic producers in the state. The committee is comprised of 15 primary members plus alternates for each seat.
Alexandre Family Farm has been certified organic since 1999. That’s 21 years of tending to their grass-fed cows, 21 years of giving their children a front-row seat to organic production, and 21 years of providing the most nutritious, sustainably produced egg and dairy products possible. I remember vividly the first time I bought a pack of Alexandre Kids eggs. The yolk was so yellow—almost orange—and alive with color, nutrients, and taste. Having grown up in a small suburban town in California, we’d lived near some organic farms, but I’d never “come to my senses,” as Alice Waters would say, until cracking open an egg produced by the Alexandre family.
For ten of those 21 years, in addition to being a parent and managing the organic operation with her husband, Stephanie Alexandre served on CCOF’s Board of Directors. Stephanie and her husband Blake exemplify a commitment to excellence in organic production, and were recognized for their dedication to the movement at the 2018 OTA Organic Leadership Awards.
Stephanie and Blake have described their Northern California land as “a little plot of Heaven.” With ocean mist pouring in overnight from the Pacific to keep their grasses hydrated, warm doses of sunlight throughout the year, and organic and regenerative practices to sustain the land for future generations.
Congratulations to Blake on his re-appointment to COPAC! Read about the other members of the committee on the CDFA website.