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Productos Organicos Dubendorf SA de CV dba Organicos Dübendorf


Nuestra empresa crea productos con ingredientes organicos certificados de la mas alta
calidad, altos niveles de higiene, tecnicas de elaboracion y produccion muy cuidadas para
lograr productos de excelencia con exquisito sabor capaz de estimular tus 5 sentidos.
Nuestros productos elaborados con cacao proveniente de Chiapas, son 100 % superfoods,
saludables, libres de OGM, veganos, libre de gluten, sin aditivos, ni conservadores ideales
para ninos y adultos, estos ademas de nutrir el cuerpo, ayudan a desintoxicar el
organismo, aumentan la energia, mejoran la inmunidad y el bienestar general.
Nuestro Cafe de granos de especialidad, proviene de la region alta de Chiapas,
estrictamente de altura cultivado a 1600 msnm, de los mejores cafes del mundo, con
reconocimiento internacional, por su alta calidad.

Our company creates products with certified organic ingredients of the highest
quality, high levels of hygiene, elaboration and production techniques very careful to
achieve products of excellence with exquisite flavor capable of stimulating your 5 senses.
Our products made with cocoa from Chiapas, are 100% superfoods,
healthy, GMO-free, vegan, gluten-free, without additives, or ideal preservatives
for children and adults, these in addition to nourishing the body, help detoxify the
body, increase energy, improve immunity and general well-being.
Our specialty coffee beans, comes from the high region of Chiapas,
strictly high grown at 1600 meters above sea level, one of the best coffees in the world, with
international recognition, for its high quality.

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Contact Information

  • Contact Name: Jose Javier Arellano Andrade
  • Phone: 4773936251
  • Email:
  • Address: Jardin de Los Tulipanes 129 El Mirador de Gran Jardin, Leon, Leon, Guanajuato 37138, MX

CCOF Programs

  • Certification: Handling
    Status: Certified
    Date: March 24, 2021
  • Certification: US/Canada Equivalence
    Status: Compliant
    Date: March 24, 2021
  • Certification: CCOF International Standard
    Status: Withdrawn
    Date: May 30, 2024
  • Certification: USDA NOP
    Status: Certified
    Date: March 24, 2021
  • Certification: Mexico Compliance Program
    Status: Certified
    Date: March 24, 2021

Client Code
