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University of California Releases New Cost and Return Study on Organic Processing Apples

by Jane Sooby |

The latest addition to the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) series of crop cost and return studies describes the practices and associated costs of producing organic processing apples grown on the Central Coast, including land preparation, fertility and pest management, irrigation, labor, and harvest. The reports also include tables reporting potential profits under various price and yield scenarios. Processing apples grown in the Central Coast are typically used to make juice and sparkling cider.

All cost and return studies are available for free download from Cost & Return Studies ( The studies are a collaboration between UC ANR, UC Cooperative Extension, and the UC Davis Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

For more detailed information on the newest cost and return study, read this UC ANR press release dated November 17, 2023, or contact Mark Bolda at; Laura Tourte, emeritus University of California Cooperative Extension advisor, at; or Jeremy Murdock of UC Davis Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at