The CCOF Foundation’s Farmers’ Marketing: Tools for Success project is aimed at helping growers who sell at farmers’ markets finetune their marketing to increase sales and revenue. The project offers both on-line and in-person workshops for farmers and resources on organic for farmers’ market managers.
Farmer Resources
– Webinars
o Recordings
■ Organic Labeling and Marketing Strategies for Meat Producers
■ Farm & Food Business Marketing Collaborations
■ Sustainable Produce Packaging for Farms that Sell Directly to Consumers
■ Assessing Crop Profitability for Farm Business Planning
■ Organic 101 for Small and Midsized Farms
■ Social Media Marketing for Farmers
■ Innovative Direct Marketing for Farmers
– Podcasts
o “Radio Organic” Podcast Episodes in English
■ Ep. 1: Rethinking Farm Sales and Invoicing Systems
■ Ep. 2: Keeping Tabs on Market Trends via Direct-to-Consumer Sales
■ Ep. 3: Transitioning to Organic Due to Customer Demand
■ Ep. 4: Strengthening Farms and Communities through Direct-to-Consumer Sales
o Episodios del podcast “Radio Organic” en español
■ Ep.1: Repensar los sistemas de facturaci ón y ventas agrícolas
■ Ep 2: Conocer las tendencias del mercado a través de las ventas directas al consumidor
■ Ep.3: Transición a orgánico debido a la demanda del cliente
■ Ep.4: Fortalecimiento de granjas y comunidades a través de ventas directas al consumidor
– In-Person Workshop Presentation
o How to Draw in Customers and Increase Revenue – Marketing Strategies and Tips for Farmers
■ Download a PDF copy of the presentation.
Farmers’ Market Manager Resources
Some local producers choose to get organic certification to draw in customers and increase their revenue. Farmers’ market managers can support their local organic producers by understanding and enforcing organic regulations at their markets. Here are some resources to share with your farmers’ market managers, produced in collaboration with the California Alliance of Farmers Markets.
– Webinars
o Organic 101 for Market Managers
o Organic Certification Cost Share Program for Farmers’ Market Managers
– Factsheets
o Organic at the Farmers’ Market – Farmer’s Market Best Practices (English)
o Guía de Mejores Prácticas en los Mercados Campesinos (español)
Funding for the Farmers Marketing Tools for Success project was made possible by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service through grant AM180100XXXXG055.