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Last Chance to Speak Out on Regenerative!

by Rebekah Weber |

The California Department of Food and Agriculture is hosting its final listening session on the State’s definition of regenerative agriculture on Thursday, August 22 at 5:00 p.m.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Register in advance. Go to CDFA – Defining Regenerative Agriculture for State Policies and Programs ( and click on Listening Session #5 under Timeline.
  2. Read the current definition, which is a laundry list of best intentions with zero verification.
  3. Tell the State that accountability matters. Third-party verification gives organic certification teeth. We expect no less from the definition of regeneration. Otherwise, it will be a meaningless greenwashed term. Your voice matters!

Want to do more? Sign onto CCOF’s letter that outlines how the State can create an accountable definition of regenerative agriculture. We recommend a tiered approach that both reserves the definition of regenerative for farmers who adopt regenerative systems like organic certification and establishes a pathway that recognizes farmers at each step.

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