About this workshop:
In this four-part series, participants will learn how to estimate nitrogen release from diverse organic sources and translate that knowledge to nitrogen fertilization plans and regulatory reporting requirements. Over the first three sessions, we will cover the most common sources of nitrogen and complete a nitrogen budget. In session two, participants will work on and receive feedback on their own nitrogen budgets. In session four, participants will hear from growers about how they manage nitrogen and develop a budget.
Who should enroll?
Growers, Certified Crop Advisers (CCAs), Agricultural Pest Control Advisers (PCAs), and other agricultural professionals who are interested in learning about nitrogen management in organic production are encouraged to enroll.
- Daniel Geisseler, Cooperative Extension Specialist in the Department of Land, Air and Water Resources at UC Davis.
- Patricia Lazicki, Vegetable Crops Advisor for Yolo, Solano, and Sacramento counties, working mainly in tomatoes.
- Margaret Lloyd, Organic Agriculture and Small Farms Advisor for Yolo, Solano, and Sacramento counties.
- Michael Cahn, irrigation and water resources Farm Advisor for UC Cooperative Extension in Monterey County.
- Joji Muramoto, Cooperative Extension organic production specialist at UC Santa Cruz.
- Amélie Gaudin, Associate professor of Agroecology in the Department of Plant Sciences at UC Davis.
For more information contact Maria Alvarez, logistics coordinator, anrprogramsupport@ucanr.edu, (530) 750-1361 or Margaret Lloyd, event lead, mglloyd@ucanr.edu, (530) 564-8642.