In the last several months CCOF has worked with our clients, other certifiers, and the National Organic Program to improve our approach to the U.S.-Canada Organic Equivalency Agreement. We have re-written our Canada webpage to reflect all changes. Improvements include:
- Canada Organic Regime Labeling Guide: combines all Canadian labeling requirements into one source.
- Streamlined requirements for operations verifying compliance with the U.S.-Canada Organic Equivalency Agreement. Under this system, operations may enroll in CCOF’s Global Market Access program to provide the required attestation statement for Canadian exports. Alternatively, operations may utilize our attestation document for trade level verification at export, or within the supply chain. We will only require that compliance affidavits are maintained for crops at risk of noncompliance with the three critical variances identified in the equivalency arrangement.
Our work in this area significantly reduces the administrative burden on CCOF operations producing products for the Canadian market. If you have questions about your processes or specific requirements please contact