The Produce Safety Alliance recently added new videos to its YouTube channel. Some videos offer an introduction to the Produce Safety Alliance and its Grower Training Course, while others provide easy-to-understand explanations to food safety questions like “Why must we monitor the temperature of water used during postharvest handling?” or “What is a biofilm?” Some videos are offered in both English and Spanish.
The Produce Safety Alliance’s Grower Training Course fulfills the supervisor training requirement for farms that are required to be in full compliance with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule. A full list of upcoming trainings can be found on the organization’s website under calendar. In addition to coordinating the Grower Training Course, the Produce Safety Alliance provides videos and other resources on food safety and FSMA compliance. For more information, please visit the Produce Safety Alliance website.
If you are unsure whether your produce farm needs to comply with the FSMA Produce Safety Rule, watch the CCOF FSMA Basics for Small to Medium Sized Produce Farms webinar or check out the FSMA Basics for Produce Growers blog post.