CCOF now supports California operations producing cannabis and cannabis manufactured products with a comparable-to-organic program. OCal certification ensures cannabis operations meet standards that are consistent with the National Organic Program (NOP). Operations that gain OCal certification will be able to use both the CCOF cannabis logo and the OCal seal on their products.
We look forward to offering this program to licensed cannabis operations in the state of California! If you are interested in this program, please share a brief summary of your activities and your contact information with to receive updates.
A Comparable-to-Organic Cannabis Standard
The OCal Program is a California-only certification for cannabis designed by the California Department of Food and Agriculture for licensed cultivators and distributors and by the California Department of Public Health for licensed cannabis manufacturers. This program will implement and enforce standards for cannabis that are consistent with the National Organic Program, the governing standards for products labeled “certified organic.” Currently, federal laws prevent the certification and labeling of cannabis as organic under the NOP. However, the OCal program makes California the first state to establish a comparable-to-organic cannabis program.
CCOF Supports Organic Farmers
CCOF supports organic farmers and wants to support OCal cannabis farmers. CCOF, an organic certification agency and longtime advocate for organic principles, has actively participated in the creation of this new program to ensure its success. CCOF petitioned for program registration fees that are economical for producers and for guidelines that ensure organic integrity.
As a leader in organic certification, CCOF continues to uphold organic integrity through the newly created OCal program.
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