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Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) Rule May Impact Your Network

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Are you familiar with the USDA National Organic Program’s proposed Refuerzo de la normativa orgánica (SOE)? This pending regulation will significantly change the organic regulations. After the rule is enacted, operations buying, selling, trading, or facilitating sales of organic products will be obligatorio to gain certification.

The current organic regulations require operations that process, package, or label organic products to maintain certification. The USDA National Organic Program (NOP) is now proposing that operations that buy, sell, trade, or facilitate organic sales will also need to gain a relationship with a certifier. You can read more about the changes and find additional resources on the Página web del CCOF.

We want to ensure these coming changes do not slow down your business. If you work with a currently uncertified operation that may be affected by this rule, CCOF is well-positioned to help. 

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