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Servicio de acompañamiento de la OSP del CCOF

por Blogger invitado |

Get yourself or your staff up to speed on maintaining your Organic System Plan (OSP) as quickly as possible with CCOF’s OSP Walk-Through Service. This service provides time to meet with our staff and learn how to use our systems to improve your users’ experience! Walk-throughs are led by a CCOF certification specialist and can be customized for your specific operation. By the end of the orientation, participants will understand:

  • your operation’s OSP and how to update it,
  • cómo seguir y responder a las solicitudes de cumplimiento del CCOF, 
  • dónde encontrar información sobre inspecciones, y 
  • cómo comunicarse eficazmente con el CCOF.

Plus, you’ll take a tour of CCOF’s online certification management tool, MyCCOF. Learn how to:

  • descargar certificados,
  • buscar y añadir materiales a su OSP, 
  • gestionar los pagos y abonar las facturas,
  • gestionar varias operaciones certificadas desde una sola cuenta, y
  • track your CCOF-certified suppliers and access their certification status in real-time.

Be prepared for your next annual inspection and avoid costly mistakes that can affect your certification. 

¿A quién va dirigido este servicio? 

This service is perfect for staff who are new to your organic system or who need additional training. Newly certified operations, businesses with recent ownership change, and any operation preparing for an upcoming inspection will benefit from a personalized OSP walk-through. 

¿Qué aportará el CCOF? 

» A basic understanding of how to work most effectively with CCOF: how and where to direct communications, turnaround times for requests, and where to find useful information on
» Resource materials and a login for MyCCOF.
» A customized webinar, focused on your OSP and MyCCOF account, complete with instruction on how to update your specific company details.
» Time for questions with a CCOF Certification Specialist who can provide tips and tricks for maintaining your certification.

¿Cuánto cuesta el servicio de recorrido? 

The cost for the OSP Walk-Through service is $425 for 90 minutes. Each additional hour will be billed at $100 per hour. Payment for the service will be billed after the training. 

Inscríbase hoy mismo para una visita a la OSP. Complete el formulario OSP Walk-Through Service registration en and return it by email to or by fax to (831) 423-4528. You will be contacted within one week to schedule the training. 

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