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Roadmap to an Organic California

The Roadmap to an Organic California is a first-of-its kind research project that investigates how organic is a solution to California’s toughest challenges.

A first of its kind project - now complete!

Evidence from over 300 scientific studies demonstrates that organic is key to solving today’s biggest threats, from climate change to economic and health inequities. The Roadmap to an Organic California: Policy Report guides policymakers through the next steps to use organic to sequester more carbon, stimulate local economies, and protect the health of all Californians.

Our Reports

Part One—Roadmap to an Organic California: Benefits Report

What does the science say about organic? The Benefits Report, published in 2019, is the most comprehensive and up-to-date review of the last thirty years of peer-reviewed science about organic food and farming.

  • Economic Benefits—Studies show that the organic sector is growing, creates jobs, and revitalizes local communities.
  • Environmental Benefits—The science is clear that organic farms sequester carbon, protect pollinators, keep water sources clean, and provide a multitude of other ecosystem services.
  • Social Benefits—The evidence shows that organic farmers can nutritiously feed our communities while also keeping people safe from exposure to toxic pesticides.

Part Two—Roadmap to an Organic California: Policy Report

How can we use organic farming to solve today’s biggest challenges? The Policy Report, published in 2020, outlines the next steps to use organic to sequester more carbon, stimulate local economies, and protect the health of all Californians.

  • Organic is a Solution to Climate ChangeWe can use the power of organic farms to build healthy soils that store carbon, reduce levels of CO2 in the atmosphere, and mitigate climate change. In fact, organic soils can store 14 times more carbon than conventional soils.
  • Organic is a Solution to Economic InsecurityBy investing in organic farms, we also reinvest dollars within the community because organic businesses sell locally and create jobs. The organic market continues to outpace sales of all other food sectors, creating opportunities in urban and rural communities.
  • Organic is a Solution to Health InequitiesPolicies that support organic also support human health and clean water. Organic farms grow food without synthetic pesticides and fertilizers and high levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants make organic food a healthy choice.

Partner With Us

CCOF listened to diverse stakeholders to create our bold vision for California’s future. Collaboration is vital to advancing our roadmap of change. Spread the word or join conversation!

Thank you to our funders

The Roadmap to an Organic California is made possible through the support of CCOF Foundation donors and partner organizations. Special thanks to TomKat Ranch, 123 Farm, and Paicines Ranch for their generous support and for hosting our stakeholder events.

CCOF's Roadmap to an Organic California details the benefits of organic agriculture to regenerate our land, our communities, and our economies.

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