Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) rulemaking by the USDA National Organic Program requires that many uncertified operations achieve organic certification by March 19, 2024. To implement this requirement, CCOF sent a letter to every CCOF-certified operation in mid-June 2023 asking about uncertified handlers you work with. This includes all operations currently covered by an Uncertified Handler Affidavit (UHA), storage facilities, private label brand owners, brokers, traders, wholesalers, distributors, importers, exporters, transporters, transloaders, and more. The letter included a certification self-assessment tool for uncertified handlers as well as an Exempt Handler Affidavit that uncertified handlers will need to complete.
Send the Organic Certification Self-Assessment to each uncertified operation you work with or respond to CCOF to confirm that you do not work with any uncertified operations.
For each uncertified operation, send completed Exempt Handler Affidavits (EHA), if applicable per the form, or confirm if the operation will seek certification. Submit EHA forms by August 1 to ensure that you are not billed UHA fees at 2024 renewal. There is a one-time fee of $50 for CCOF approval of the Affidavit, as outlined in our Certification Services Program Manual.
If you are unsure whether an operation is exempt or needs certification, refer to the certification self-assessment tool, the Exempt Handler Affidavit, and the Strengthening Organic Enforcement rule.
Uncertified operations who need certification should contact us at getcertified@ccof.org to see if you qualify for our 2023 SOE discount. Getting certified early will ensure a seamless transition, and our offer is most advantageous to those submitting early in 2023. Don’t wait, apply today!