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Más información sobre los servicios internacionales de CCOF

por Jen Rojas |

Global demand for USDA organic products continues to increase, and the pandemic has only accelerated this trend. As the nation’s largest organic certifier, CCOF is well-equipped to provide the necessary review and export documentation to sell certified USDA products in many international markets, including Canada, the EU, Japan, Korea, Mexico, and others. Access our international flyer for a full list of markets. 

If you are exporting to Mexico, recent changes to Mexico’s organic import regulation will be of particular interest to your company. Organic products sold in Mexico require certification to the Mexican organic regulations (LPO). Effective January 1, 2022, certain organic commodities require a transaction-specific Control Document upon entry into the country. Our Mexico Compliance Program satisfies the need for LPO certification, and CCOF can provide you with the necessary Control Document. If you or anyone in your network has questions on this, please reach out to
At CCOF, we have a dedicated international team who regularly works with governments, trade associations, and other certifiers to make the export process clear and easy for USDA-certified operations. These efforts result in concise resources like our Guía de etiquetado para mercados internacionales, helping to ensure your labels meet export destination requirements. 
Once a product is certified and verified as compliant for the international market, you can expect an export certificate request to be processed in just two business days. A full description of how export documentation is generated can be found on our sitio web.
Please visit our International Program page or email with questions. We are confident our international services and resources will serve your operation well, and we look forward to working with you!