
Disaster Preparedness For Livestock Operations

With wildfires and other natural disasters becoming more common, disaster preparedness is an important part of running a sustainable livestock operation. Join the CCOF Foundation for a webinar that highlights best management practices that organic livestock operations can take to be prepared in the event of a disaster. This webinar will also review USDA risk management and disaster assistance programs that aid farmers and ranchers in recovering from a disaster after it has occurred.

Holistic & Organic Livestock Management 101

Join the CCOF Foundation and Holistic Management International for an introductory webinar that explores the intersections between organic and holistic management systems for cattle operations.

Organic and Holistic Management are two approaches to sustainable livestock husbandry. This webinar will review the basic principles of both approaches for cattle ranchers. Then, explore how the two approaches can work together for cattle ranchers looking to cultivate economically and environmentally sustainable operations.

Organic Dairy Healthcare

Join the CCOF Foundation for a webinar on healthcare practices for organic dairy farms.

Learn the basics of healthcare management for organic dairy herds, including both preventive health measures and methods allowed in organic production to treat sick animals. This webinar is ideal for those interested in transitioning to organic or current organic dairy producers looking to improve their healthcare practices.