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Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP)

The Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) is a nationwide initiative to provide mentorship, technical assistance, and wrap-around support to transitioning and existing organic producers.

Our Work Through TOPP

Through TOPP, the CCOF Foundation leads the Western & Southwestern Regional Center for Organic Transition, working with a coalition of partners to support producers in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Texas.


Read a TOPP success story:

Meet Bob Whitney

Western Regional Center for Organic Transition Offerings


Producers seeking organic certification are connected with experienced mentor producers for support and guidance through the transition to organic. Mentorship is available in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah.

Qualified mentors have at least three years of experience with organic production and certification, are able to provide 45 hours of mentorship per year, have a strong understanding of the organic rules and regulations, understand the challenges and benefits of organic production and certification, and are interested in sharing knowledge and giving back to the organic community.

Read the full requirements of a qualified mentor. 


Partners providing mentorship include:

Arizona State University Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems
Hawaii Farmers Union United
Rodale Institute
Red Acre Center
Texas A&M Agrilife Extension
Utah State University


Learn more about mentorship and how to apply:

Technical Assistance

Organic transition thrives when there is a robust landscape of organic technical assistance. TOPP invests in skill development for existing service providers and increases the supply and quality of technical assistance available to producers. Assistance comes in many forms: improved resources, one-on-one sessions, workshops, community events, and more.

Partners providing Technical Assistance include:
Organic Agronomy Training Service (OATS)
Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF)
Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF)
UCANR & UC Organic Ag Institute
Agriculture and Land Based Training Association (ALBA)
University of Hawaii & College of Tropical Agriculture
Hawaii Farmers Union United
University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
Utah State University
Red Acre Center
Rodale Institute
Texas A&M Agrilife Extension
Farmshare Austin
Arizona State University Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems
Dry Coop and Oatman Farms

Organic Workforce Development

Organic agriculture is the foundation of an interconnected organic industry and everyone along the organic supply chain has a critical role to play in the growth of organic. TOPP invests in the organic workforce to ensure that every link of the chain thrives, from entrepreneurs to technical service providers, food scientists to wholesale packing houses, and school food services to academic programs.

Partners implementing organic workforce development include:
Agriculture and Land Based Training Association (ALBA)
California Polytechnic University (CalPoly)
Berkeley Food Institute (BFI)
MA’O Organic Farms
University of Reno Desert Farming Initiative
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley


For more information, email CCOF Education Manager Molly Nakahara at