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Why Organic?

Organic creates jobs, encourages healthy soil, keeps water clean, and reduces our exposure to toxic pesticides.

Paicines Ranch. Photo by Liz Birnbaum at the Curated Feast.

Why Organic is good for...

Farmers, Growers, Producers

Be recognized for your dedication to producing and manufacturing organically–get certified.

Organic certification gives consumers a label they can trust. The presence of the USDA organic and/or CCOF seal on a product guarantees food has been grown and produced according to federal organic standards.

Grow; Make; Raise

CCOF offers certification services for Farmers, Processors/Handlers, Retailers, Brokers, Private Labelers, and Livestock Operations.


Organic is a Guarantee

Your food choices have a lasting effect on your family and shape their eating habits, but shopping can be challenging when we’re all bombarded with food labels with often misleading claims. How can we know what to trust?

Unlike labels like “all natural,” Certified Organic is guaranteed by the USDA to be free of sewage sludge, bioengineering (GMOs), ionizing radiation, and most synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.

National organic standards also include regulations for organic processed products, including prohibiting artificial preservatives, flavors, and dyes.

Organic is for Health

Studies show that organically grown food has higher amounts of Vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorous, and iron. Organic milk contains far more omega-3 fatty acids than conventional milk.

Certified organic agricultural operations (certified organic farmers) avoid the use of most synthetic pesticides found in conventional agriculture. Chemical pesticides and herbicides have been linked to birth defects, obesity, diabetes, ADHD, and other health problems.

Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that have been given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Synthetic hormones have been linked to premature reproductive development in human females and health problems in livestock.

Each time you choose organic, you are choosing to leave these chemicals off your plate.

Organic is Non-GMO & More

The use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) is prohibited in organic production, and organic production supports a food system that values natural resources, public health, animal welfare, transparent labels, and traceability of products without the use of toxic fertilizers or pesticides.

Organic is Food for Little Fingers

All parents are concerned about the health and wellbeing of their family. Children are more vulnerable to exposure to pesticides and herbicides, their bodies absorb toxins more readily than adults do, and their organs are less efficient at clearing those toxins.

Choosing to feed your family organic food reduces your risk of exposure to pesticides, GMOs, antibiotics, and hormones. Organic dairy, fruits, and vegetables provide more nutrients and vitamins for little bodies to grow strong.


Organic is a growing industry. 

The Organic Trade Association reported that organic food sales broke through $60 billion in 2022, hitting another high-level mark for the resilient sector.

Organic Farming Protects Our Land and Resources

Organic farming keeps our food clean and natural, helps small rural farms thrive, and protects the land for future generations. By avoiding synthetic chemicals and supporting traditional farming methods that work with the land, organic practices create healthier soil, cleaner water, and strong local economies.

CCOF speaks up with you and for you

Policymakers need to hear from organic farmers, businesses, and consumers about the issues we care about. CCOF, Inc. is a member-based advocacy organization that works to advance organic agriculture through local, state, and national policy. We make it easy for your voice to be heard.

Roadmap to an Organic California

How to read organic labels

Product labels use a wide array of terms from “all natural” to “regenerative.” Find out which terms are backed by federal enforcement–don’t fall for greenwashing.