Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF) has created a Farmer Funding Opportunities Database. The funding opportunities database allows farmers to easily see when grants are open for application, which on-farm activities or subjects they fund, paperwork needed for application, and more. This database will help streamline the search process for farmers without losing any time. Once in the database, farmers can view it in its entirety or use the accessible filters to narrow down the search.
Already have a grant in mind? Farmers can use the search option to go directly to the source.
To view the Grants Board, click here.
To view the Grants Open for Application, click here.
To view the Grants Sorted by Fundable Activities, click here.
If you are interested in submitting a Funding Opportunity to the Database, click here.
For additional database support documentation or questions, please click here to visit Airtable’s support page.
This article was written by Hanali Lopez-Tapia on behalf of the CAFF’s Farmer Funding Opportunity Database