CCOF invites all organic livestock producers to share experiences, challenges, and needs related to organic livestock production, from market barriers to difficulties accessing certified organic processing plants, other infrastructure needs, and beyond. The CCOF Policy Team is researching solutions to top issues facing livestock producers, and we want to hear from you! We know that organic livestock producers are critical stewards of pasture and rangelands across the U.S. and that producers also face many unique challenges. Please email us at or call 415-346-6223 to share your experience and weigh in on how we can best support organic livestock producers.
Now is also the time to support the Processing Revival and Intrastate Meat Exemption (PRIME) Act. Recently reintroduced in the U.S. House (H.R. 2859) and Senate (S.1620), this bill would permit meat processed at custom slaughterhouses that meet federal regulations to be sold within state borders. For more information on the PRIME Act, click here to read a fact sheet. More support is needed in the Senate, and we urge you to call both of your U.S. Senators and ask that they support the PRIME Act, S. 1620. Here is a link to contact information for all U.S. senators.
Here’s what you could say:
I urge you to support the PRIME Act because it would:
- Reduce significant bottlenecks in the meat supply chain by optimizing use of existing infrastructure.
- Support animal health by decreasing stress from transportation.
- Decrease greenhouse gases by reducing long-distance transportation.
- Improve farmers’ incomes and economic opportunities by increasing access to vital agricultural infrastructure.
- Stimulate rural economies by revitalizing local food production and meeting consumer demand for locally raised meat.
Correction: An earlier version of this blog stated that the PRIME Act would allow meat processed at custom slaughterhouses that meet federal regulations to be sold across instead of within state borders. This error has been corrected.