About the California Organic Food and Farming Act

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Facts About the California Organic Food and Farming Act (COFFA):

  1. COFFA will streamline paperwork for certified organic producers. Current law requires organic producers to register with the SOP by reporting information that duplicates other state and federal reporting requirements. COFFA streamlines this registration process by allowing USDA-accredited organic certifying agents to submit information about their clients directly to the state to complete their SOP registration.
  2. COFFA will cap or lower SOP fees. The SOP fee schedule is set by law. COFFA updates the fee schedule by capping fees at their current levels and reducing fees for some categories of farmers with gross annual organic sales of $250,000 or less.
  3. COFFA will update the role of the SOP. COFFA allows the California Secretary of Food and Agriculture and the California Organic Products Advisory Committee to support organic agriculture through education, outreach, and other programmatic activities.

Stay Informed

Some changes will take effect as early as January 1, 2017, while other changes may take longer. Sign up for the CCOF Newsletter to learn about the latest developments and direct any questions to policy@ccof.org.