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“Radio Organic” Sound Bite 1: Rethinking Farm Sales and Invoicing Systems – CCOF Foundation

In our premier episode, join the CCOF Foundation for a conversation with Joe Schirmer of Dirty Girl Produce where we’ll discuss Schirmer’s new approach to produce sales and invoicing systems. Get tips on how to have your customers pay up front, innovative ideas for selling excess produce, and sound advice on how to choose an online sales software that works for your operation.

Have ideas for future podcasts? Send us your ideas via this feedback link ( Many thanks to Community Alliance with Family Farmers and “The Farmers Beet” for helping us launch this pilot series. Funding for this podcast was made possible by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service through grant AM180100XXXXG055.

Listen to the episode in Spanish here.

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