Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) inspections started this year for large produce farms in California and across the United States. Smaller produce farms will be subject to FSMA inspections in coming years.
If you are still wrapping your head around what FSMA means for your produce farm, the CCOF Foundation’s webinar library hosts a thorough collection of FSMA and food safety webinar recordings. Often hosted in collaboration with Community Alliance of Family Farmers and the Farmers Guild, these webinars present food safety in a manner accessible to growers and agricultural professionals.
To help you figure out how your farm needs to comply with FSMA, watch the FSMA Basics for Small and Medium-Sized Produce Farms Webinar. It reviews the different FSMA compliance categories, as well as the timeline for when farms need to comply. In the second half of the webinar, learn about the recordkeeping requirements for farms that qualify for FSMA exemptions. Even if your operation is exempt, you need to keep certain records to document your exemption status.
For produce farms that must fully comply with FSMA, check out our FSMA and organic webinar series. While originally produced for organic certification staff to help them understand how the new federal food safety regulations would impact the organic growers they certify, the three-part series hosts a wealth of information for growers as well. Part one of the series reviews the different FSMA compliance categories, while part two and part three walk through the requirements for farms fully subject to the FSMA Produce Safety Rule.
– Part 1: FSMA 101 Webinar for Organic Agricultural Professionals
– Part 2: Requirements for Farms that Must Fully Comply with FSMA Webinar
– Part 3: Food Safety and Organic Webinar
Once you’ve wrapped your head around the basics of FSMA, dive deeper into the FSMA water requirements with our FSMA Agricultural Production Water Requirements Webinar. Or, figure out how you can merge some of your organic and FSMA recordkeeping with our Organic and Food Safety Recordkeeping for Produce Growers Webinar. Both of these webinars are intended for farms that must fully comply with FSMA.
Last but not least, if you want to find out more about what is involved in a FSMA Produce Safety Rule inspection in California, join us for our How to Get Ready for a FSMA Produce Safety Rule Inspection webinar on September 24, 2019. Check out the webinar registration page for more information and to sign up.